Tuesday, 7 September 2010

La Cafetiere Verona French Press

LaCafetiere Verona 3 Cup Coffee French Press, Black

La Cafetiere are one of the big players in the french press market - you are most likely to see their pots along with the popular Bodum presses.

Historically traditional and founded in France many moons ago, the Verona 3-cup model is a little turn from the usual La Cafetiere presses, as the casing is all plastic. When Bodum do this (as they usually do), you can be sure that they are doing it with their years of experience in building plastic french presses. However, in this instance, I can't help but think that unit is a little bit too lightweight and flimsy.

Given that the Verona here is only a 3-cup pot (which realistically relates to one mug for one person), the size and plastic make it feel like a bit of an insignificant device. Personally, I prefer a bit more of a quality, solid feel to my french presses - of course this is an individual preference, but this thing feels like it might blow away in the wind if you've already poured out your cup of coffee.

Of course, La Cafetiere do have a lot of experience in building french pots (they were among the first), so you will find that the seal between the mesh press and sides of the beaker is very tight and won't let much in the way of coffee grounds through to settle at the bottom of your mug.

Overall, a good coffee plunger, but you can certainly can get better pots for the individual mug, and for those needing to frequently transport their coffee habit around with them - I don't believe this one is quite durable enough.

Take a look at the LC Verona on Amazon, who work hard to get the best prices for you.

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